Clan Rules

██████ TNT RULES ███████

Before joining THE NOOBS TRIBE, you should read some very simple rules of our team.

1)  The player must not be in any other platoon. Leave all other platoons/clans before joining, and after joining set THE NOOBS TRIBE as your active platoon/clan and use the clan tag and emblem (Your membership will be revoked anytime if you are not following this compulsory rule, the strictness of this rule is to maintain the identity and integrity of TNT)
2)  When playing with fellow TNT members, you should always communicate with us in our teamspeak server (IP for our teamspeak is : and you should have a 100% working mic all the time.
3)  Respect your clanmates and other players.  NEVER USE ABUSIVE OR DEFAMATORY LANGUAGE FOR ANYONE  !
4)  Teamwork and playing the objective are the key to success in battlefield, never play on your own like a lone wolf especially when playing with TNT guys in a squad.
5)  Only players with good understanding of Urdu or English language are allowed to join.
6)  Hacking or cheating will result in permanent ban.
7)  Don’t ask for any kind of promotion in platoon, we respect and treat all the TNT members equally and if we need to select players for any match, we prefer players with good stats, game-type speciality and their reliable availability before and during the match.



→ If you are a PC player and want to join THE NOOBS TRIBE, agreed upon all the team rules, have an acceptable understanding of Urdu or English language, then APPLY NOW ! Good game stats will result in instant recruitment and we assure you, TNT is the friendliest clan to play with.

Also, see you in upcoming games too…!
